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Quinoa Vanilla Pudding

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In one of my first posts I mentioned how much I love quinoa. In fact,  I love it so much that I try to incorporate it into many different dishes, including desserts.    This pudding is rich and creamy and  thickened with Kuzu Root Starch, which comes from a fibrous plant used in China for more than 2,000 year.  Kuzu is a great thickener and it is soothing to the stomach.  You can also think of this recipe as a great way to satisfy a child’s sweet tooth while adding nutrition.

Quinoa Vanilla Pudding

Quinoa Vanilla pudding

  • 1cup of uncooked quinoa
  • 2 cups of coconut milk (1 13.5 oz can)
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1/8 cup of agave nectar (use more or less according to the sweetness level you prefer)
  • 1/4 cup of raisins
  • 1 tablespoon of Kuzu Root (dissolved in 2 tablespoons of cold water until you have a white liquid)
  • 2 teaspoons of pure vanilla extract

Rinse quinoa and place in a medium pan.  Add coconut milk, water and vanilla and bring to a boil on high. Turn heat to low, cover and cook for 20 minutes stirring as necessary so it doesn’t stick.  Stir in Kuzu and raisins and cook for another 5-10 minutes.  If you find that the quinoa is sticking or so thick that it is jumping out of the pot, add a bit more hot water and stir as needed.   Stir in agave.  When quinoa is cooked, the small kernels will plump and have a white halo around them.   Transfer pudding to a dish and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours until set.  Serve with fruit and/or vegan ice cream.  Serves 6.

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